Fact: Without music, there is no dance. (Unless, of course, you’re dancing to some cosmic song in your own head, and in that case, I’d advise that you seek help).
While most belly dancers are appreciative toward the musicians and bands we work with, we often forget to extend our gratitude toward another amazing group of artists who help us work our magic on the dance floor: I’m talking about the mobile DJ’s.
In my area of expertise (weddings and private parties), I work with DJ’s on such a regular basis that I often end up working with the same DJ’s repeatedly and sometimes, even go on to form personal friendships with them. Even though I’m new to the Orlando wedding market, I’m already getting to know all of the DJ’s I work with and their unique styles and preferences. This only makes both of our jobs easier, and it makes my shows better, too.
Sometimes, a DJ will go above and beyond the job description. I was inspired to write this post after I did a 70th birthday party this past Saturday for a lively and very beautiful Colombian family in The Villages. The family came from all over Florida and even Long Island and Queens for this party. I worked with DJ Moreno and DJ Fantasia, a lovely bilingual DJ team out of Winter Garden. Before I even took the stage, DJ Moreno took the mic and made an eloquent introduction, both in English and in Spanish, explaining to the crowd that they’re about to see a special performance that requires a lot of talent, that not everybody can do, and that is not only sexy, but artistic. By the time I entered the room, everybody had already started cheering. They instantly loved me!
After my first song, DJ Moreno entered my performance space with the mic for a fun mini-Q&A session about my artistic background and the art of belly dance. Then, we continued through the rest of my show. While I’ve rarely had to TALK at any of my shows, and while I did not expect to get put in the hot seat this time, this gave me an amazing opportunity to form a deeper connection with my audiences. After giving everyone some cultural insight and a few laughs, my audience was in the perfect frame of mind to fully appreciate my show. I left this gig feeling like this audience had made me part of their family for a night. This was all thanks to the skill of the DJ.
The way I see it, if a DJ simply presses “play” and doesn’t futz with my playlist, I’m happy! If they go above and beyond to help enhance the viewing and listening experience for guests, then even better. What dancer doesn’t love a nice, classy intro to set the tone for a show? And who doesn’t love when a DJ takes the mic and calls guests up to the dance floor during the audience participation part of your show? As dancing is almost entirely non-verbal, a well-chosen few words from a DJ can go a long way in helping us put our shows in context. These gestures are always appreciated and never go unnoticed.
You can’t have a show without music. So a big “thank you” to all of my amazing DJ friends who keep me rockin’ on the dance floor at each of my shows!

About Carrara: Carrara is a professional belly dancer offering elegant, authentic entertainment for weddings, corporate functions and social events in Orlando and the Space Coast, Florida. Learn more about Carrara or follow her on Twitter @CarraraNour.
Hi Carrara:
This is Wilhem…my Friends call me Will but You met me Saturday as “Dj” Moreno…How are You?…Oh No!..Here we go with the Q&A Session…Again? I can’t Thank You enough for all the beautiful words that You wrote about us in your The Thank A Dj Post.Like I told You that night it was an Honor to be part of your performance because I love Art…I’m also a Singer,Musician an of course You already know The Dj part.One of the reasons I like Belly Dancing is because it reminds of 3 things!…1)That I am a Big fan of a Singer that moves like a Belly Dancer…Shakira.2)It reminds of one of my Favor Old Tv Series called I Dream Of Jeannie in which Barbara Eden wears an Arabian Outfit and looks like a Belly Dancer but she’s actually a Jeannie.3)An Finally it reminds not to try those moves ever in front of an audience because they will start yelling…”Dj” Please put that Belly away!…LoL…(You are probably having a good laugh with that 3rd one)…Dj Fantasia says Hi! as well and Thanks for the amazing post You wrote.You have 2 new Friends in Us and who knows…maybe one day we get to share a Stage again with You!…Have a Blessed Day and May God open lots of doors in Orlando for You!…Take Care!